Friday, November 16, 2012

An Organizing Interview

Bela's apple picture

They say the apple doesn't far fall from the tree, and I feel that is true with my little "apples."  :)

Bela, in particular, shares my interest in organizing and decorating. She spends hours playing with her dollhouse (my own first "house") and has arranged it in the absolute cutest way, using a miniature baker's rack to hold the purses for her Polly Pockets, among other things. 

Beyond that, she does many other adorable things like creating place settings for dinner, remembering to send a card to her cousin for Halloween, and laying out her clothes for school. Take note that she knows how to spell the word "November" in the top picture; the kid knows her calendar.

Here is her checklist for last week's movie night (moovee tim). She is quite methodical, but also angel sweet. 

The other morning I asked her a few questions before heading out to first grade. Her answers are provided here so that we can learn from the wisdom of a little child.  :)

Mom: Why do you organize?
Bela: So I can find things.

Mom: What's your favorite thing to organize?
Bela: My dollhouse. I find lots of shoes for my Polly Pockets.

Mom: Did someone teach you how to lay out your clothes the night before? 
Bela: No.

Mom: How do you know when to do things?
Bela: {Shrugs}

I wish she had been home this morning to help me look for our plaster Thanksgiving turkey. It's lost somewhere in the basement, and I'd love to find it to decorate the dining table. She has a knack for knowing just where to find things. Truly, the apple of my eye!  

Joss & Main has the cutest sale going on right now: loads of fun patterns on bags, pillows, and rugs. Check it out!


  1. that is so cute. Cathy is like that, too, especially the list making. She makes packing lists for sleepovers and camp. She has been keeping a running list of the items that should be included in the "perfect slumber party" (which she will be having for her birthday next week), and she loves de-cluttering and organizing with me.

    1. Love that! Hope she has a very happy birthday!


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