I've been staying awake during Bela's bedtime by imagining her bedroom re-decorated. She is turning six in September, and while she's still very much a little girl, the design I imagine is a little bit sophisticated.
The above photo is from a Better Homes & Gardens featured house. The family has four children under age 7. Their little girl's bedroom has been designed to grow with her. The white walls and carpeting visually expand the space.
Space is an issue in Bela's bedroom. It's pretty tiny at 10x10. Furthermore, there is not much wall space. One wall is dominated by her closet, another by the door and a large china cabinet that belonged to my dad's mother, and a third by a large window (which is actually two windows in one frame). The fourth wall has only one smaller window
Part of my plan is to make fabric-covered window shades for all three windows and cover the larger set of windows with drapes. There are two options, depending on Bela's color choice for the room.
1. Pink
Shades Drapes
2. Purple
Shades Drapes
The fabric samples above are all from Fabric.com. The drapery rod will be painted some wild color to coordinate with the fabric. The current plan is to use the long rod from Bela's closet, adding brackets and finials to match. Then I'll replace it in her closet with a rod that is closer to her height.
Because the window is large, I am considering doing a valance, and I like the idea of using the contrasting fabric that is on the shade. We'll see, though. It would be an exaggeration to say I am a novice seamstress. I have never sewn anything.
I'd like to center Bela's bed in front of the big window, and I would really like to swap out what she has now for a daybed. I found the perfect one on Craig's List a few weeks ago for $75. It was black and had a low profile. The effect was sleek sophistication. Of course it was picked up in a snap, so here are a few choices I found online shopping:
Hemnes Daybed from IKEA
This one is currently on sale for $319, regularly priced $399. I like that it has drawers below for toy storage. And I think it is the one in the inspiration picture above.
Greek Key Daybed from Overstock.com
The second choice is more graphic but probably not as comfortable. It definitely does not have the storage space of the IKEA bed. And, it costs $200 more.
The Regolit Floor Lamp from IKEA
To give us some light for reading bedtime stories, there is this great floor lamp that could be placed in the corner of Bela's bedroom to hang over her bed.
Now that she is going into first grade, Bela has been asking for a desk in her bedroom. Here is the Whitney writing desk and hutch, a very cute choice from Pottery Barn Kids. The turned legs give it a more feminine look. I also like the color. However, at a base price of $259 (and another $99 for the hutch)--on sale!--I think this one is out of our price range.
We will add some cute little flower hooks on the wall near a mirror that hangs at Bela's eye level. These will hold necklaces, bracelets, and hair supplies. None of which have a good place in her room now. At $12.95 each I will not likely have as many as in the photo.
Land of Nod
Finally, in another corner of Bela's room, I will make a little reading nook. There is already a canopy hanging in the corner. To make it into a special place, we'll use a pouf or circle pillow inside the canopy. Then hang some little shelves on the wall to display her favorite books. Both pillows are from Etsy.

Source: Daffodil Design
Now to set the budget, acquire all the stuff, and put it together! Do you think she'll like it??