Friday, October 25, 2013

Our Move Date: Updated

This is one of my all-time favorite movie scenes from one of my top ten favorite movies.

It's also a good reminder -- as the chaos of packing a house to move gets stretched out even longer -- that how I respond is the TEST. I could choose to get angry and blame someone for the delay. I could cry and fret about how it will all turn out (and I have). Or, I can just keep filling boxes and stacking them in our garage, certain in the faith that everything will work out just as it should. 

Nitty gritty: the government shutdown earlier this month has delayed the processing of the loan for our buyers. Our seller is cooperating since our purchase of her house is contingent upon the sale of our house. Both our realtor and our mortgage person are total champs who are working hard for us!! 

We won't be in our new house by Halloween, but we should be there by Thanksgiving.


  1. That is still great news Carrie! Good luck with the move, I did it 2x in 2010 and I don't think I could do it again in another 10 years or so. Have a great weekend!

  2. I have moved many times, too. The 'middle' part is hard, but the after is always worth it. Hang in there. I'm excited for you to spend Thanksgiving in your new home making new memories.


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