Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{Day 30: Lovely, Overall}

We are almost at the end of "31 Days to Lovely Little Spaces" and it's time for a re-cap. 

In the first week I worked on making homecomings more lovely by organizing the mudroom. This is the area where we come and go most frequently. It's connected to the laundry room so I needed to work on making that space work better. Too often I would come home and be exhausted by all the stuff I had to do. Seeing a prettier space (and having a system) made me more cheerful.

During that week I also began thinking about the main entry. At the front of the house and opening to our main living area, this is where friends and family come & go. Throughout the month, I considered and tweaked what to do. The universe provided me with some things just when I needed them. And I came back to "finish" this space at the end of the project

During the second week, I started thinking about family meals and moved into the kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of our house, and it's where all the important papers end up, including homework so I talked a lot about paper organizing here and again, here. 

October is also a wonderful time to celebrate fall's beauty and decorate for Halloween. So that's what I did here, here, and even here with what comes home from school.

Thinking ahead to next month, I blogged about the arrival of something big here and how to remain grateful here.

I also purchased an e-book from the Money Saving Mom on how to live with more discipline so I'll be sure to stick with blogging everyday, even without a 31-day challenge. Because as much as days like this can wreck a design plan, they're still better than this.

Hope you were inspired by something and that you'll stick around for more... 

Love, Carrie

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